The service is a distributed address book, built on the blockchain Emercoin. The service complies with the ENUM specification RFC6116. Almost all modern IP-PBXs, including the popular Asterisk and FreeSWITCH, support this standard.
download Emercoin wallet get 1.01 or more EMCs, and verify your phone number with automatic validation and registration service.
ENUMER is a system for supporting ENUM telephone records on Emercoin’s blockchain, stored under the “enum” service abbreviation in the EmerNVS.
Unlike what had already happened to its centralized counterpart, ENUMER won’t let you down if the central authority collapses. Because, well, there is none.
Deployed over the EmerDNS infrastructure, it is extremely fast due to local query resolution and is infinitely scalable.
Emercoin, an emerging leader in secure, distributed blockchain business services, is designing a ground-breaking blockchain-based system that will enable graduates to store and share verifiable diplomas and other educational certificates on an encrypted and secure app.
Emercoin is a blockchain platform supporting a wide range of distributed trusted services, hybrid mining (PoW+Merged Mining+PoS) and numerous technical solutions. Emercoin is considered to be one of the most secure cryptocurrencies on the market due to its strong security policy!
Copyright © 2018 ENUMER decentralize service for free calls on technology